| Life can be like a puzzle, you live your life trying to put the pieces together only to find that you are missing that last piece. It’s been right by you this whole time but you just can’t find it. I found my missing puzzle piece in Jennifer and now my life is a beautiful picture.
I grew up in Redmond Washington, with really the best family and childhood. My Dad, James, was a High School Principal and my mom, Barbara, was a stay at home mom. I have two siblings, my older sister Melissa and younger brother Phil; yes, I am the middle child. We were all born in Mount Vernon Washington, moved to Ellensburg Washington when I was three and then when I was five, my family moved to the family home my mom still lives in to this day in Redmond.
Growing up I was into sports. I played hockey, was a competitive swimmer, played basketball and had a short stint with baseball and football. My sister and brother and all our neighborhood friends would always be outside playing, jumping our bikes off ramps we constructed, building forts in the woods and neighborhood pick-up games. We were always active, my mom and dad’s life I think consisted of taking all three of us to team practices and games, feeding us and working. They showed us love and taught us respect and values. Both of my parents are my role models to this day.
I became a teenager and girls became more important to me than anything else. My dad taught me how to treat a woman in the way he treated my mom, as did my mom to my dad. I didn’t know it then but their relationship is what I wanted when I grew up. They had fun, they were best friends and loved each other, it seemed so effortless and so natural. God led me down a path to find that person for me. I took some trails off that path in a different direction with different relationships and a marriage. One of those trails gave me my beautiful daughter Kayla at the age of 18. She made me responsible and was and still is my little angel, as she led me back to my path. Along the way, I had other trails and a trail that looked like the path. I do not regret any of it because it shaped me into who I am today and my path led me to Jennifer, my best friend, my love. Our love is effortless, natural like we have known each other for ever. I know now, that I had to live through everything that I did to find her, it was the way it was supposed to happen.
Five years ago, my two best friends Scott and Kurt and I were all going through relationship break ups at the same time. All of us were wondering what in the world was happening. I was in Seattle dropping off some paperwork and called Kurt, he said he was in Seattle stopping by his ex-girlfriend Bettina’s to pick up some of his things and told me I should go there with him. I was very tired, having been up all night doing the paperwork that I had just dropped off but said yes and met him over at Bettina's apartment. Bettina had some friends over and they were going out to a Drag Show that night. I didn’t want to go but this cute blonde girl said I should and told me that I didn’t have to stay long. A woman was the last thing on my mind at point in time but there was something about her; her eyes and smile and laugh just mesmerized me. We hit it off from the very beginning and it was a magical connection, even though a connection was the furthest thing from my mind.
Jennifer and I had met a few times in the past but never really got to know each other. Both of us were in other relationships. Kurt and Bettina went out for 14 years and they were both my friends and they were both Jennifer’s friends, but Jennifer and I only met a few times during that 14-year period. We have pictures of us at Halloween parties at my Carnation house. One of us even playing foosball together! About a year before we started dating, we were on a large group camping trip in the San Juan's together and we talked a bit while eating oysters over the camp fire. But that was it, about three or four times that we interacted together over the previous 14 years. Jennifer and I had traveled similar paths, she grew up in Cherry Crest in Bellevue, just on the other side of the woods from me in Rose Hill, in Kirkland. I bought a house in Carnation and so did she at about the same time. We had the same set of friends and similar life experiences, our paths ran parallel and then that day at Bettina’s apartment, they merged together. In the next four years, we moved in together and have let our relationship and love for each other grow naturally. We lean on each other, trust each other and support each other without forcing our relationship forward. This is why, I am so lucky! |